Saturday, May 2, 2009

My Final Thoughts !

I know we are under no obligation to post our final thoughts on our blog, but I want the whole world to read how I feel about this course, Dr. Luongo and those who actively participated in making our collective learning so much fun!

I have so much to say that I have no idea where to start! But here it goes...I said it before and will repeat it again, when I found out I had to take an online class I was not a happy camper, for my experiences in the past taking an online course from Columbia University left a very sour taste in my mouth and left me learning much about nothing I did not know before, with no support from either classmates or teacher. What a difference a person such as Dr.
Luongo can make in a class ! Dr. Luongo not only presented us with a variety of lessons, but they were always challenging and interesting. Her total knowledge of "Computers in the Curriculum" is very evident as it is also her love for teaching, this is very evident with the patience, daily support and availability she showed us daily, when we felt overwhelmed and lost, she made sure we got back in track and engaged. I would sign up for any class Dr. Luongo has to offered whether I was required or not, for I am pretty sure I would learn plenty from her.

Some of the subjects I was not so into them but then Dr.
Luongo made me realized that not all of us in the class were graduate students, and that we came from different backgrounds and subject matters. While some of us are in the 9-12 grades teaching science , we had Social Studies, Math teachers and the all so blessed with patience the primary elementary teachers, not to mention those who are not even in the education field, or have yet to set foot in a classroom as a teacher. I will say this, I learned a lot not just from Dr Luongo, but from each and everyone of you who on a regular basis posted on your blog pages, also from those who read my postings and gave me honest feedback. In my heart it was this combination of you guys and Dr. Luongo that made this class so much fun to learn.

The only thing I am still wondering is - Why did I had to spend so much money on a textbook I honestly did not need? All my readings was done online! Maybe I will find a use for it in a near future when I least expect it !

For all of you who chose to be in the background and I did not get the opportunity to know for your lack of blogging , you missed out on a great part of this course, maybe the next time!

And for the rest of you who I got to know
thru our writings I look forward to run into you in another class, whether it is online or on campus, if you spot me please say hello and identify yourself so we can chat some more. I am very sad to see our blogging come to an end ...and again there is always "Facebook"! or e-mail ( which you can find mine on my profile).

Good Luck to all of you in your classes and dreams, if the effort and patience you showed in this course is an indication of your determination you will be great teachers for the generations to come.



Donna said...

Your Blogs are always so thoughtful and informative. I really enjoyed reading them. I feel the same way. I really enjoyed the course and I found Dr. Luongo an excellent professor! I would also like to run into some of my fellow students who blogged and commented. It would be nice to put a face with the names. Good luck to you with your future Grad courses. It was a pleasure reading your blogs! Thanks,

Dr. Luongo said...


Good luck in the future.

I hope you continue to blog. I have a feeling you will!

Thank you for all of your hard work.

Kristen Pryblick said...

I have to agree with what you wrote. It was fun getting to read your blogs. Good luck in the future!